Indiana to Honor 1967 Rose Bowl Team on Saturday Night

Indiana to Honor 1967 Rose Bowl Team on Saturday Night

Written by: TJ Inman (@TJHoosierHuddle)

Indiana University will be honoring the 55th anniversary of the 1968 Rose Bowl team on Saturday during the Hoosiers contest against Idaho. In 1968, the Hoosiers earned a trip to the 54th annual Rose Bowl game and squared off against the USC Trojans

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Indiana Hoosiers to Honor 1968 Rose Bowl Team on Saturday

Indiana Hoosiers to Honor 1968 Rose Bowl Team on Saturday

Written By Evan McShane (@veryreasonable)

The Indiana Hoosiers’ 1968 Rose Bowl team will be honored and recognized by the university during this Saturday’s game in Bloomington against Rutgers. 50 years ago, Indiana’s football team earned themselves a trip to the 54th annual Rose Bowl game against the USC Trojans. Back then, the Hoosiers referred to Memorial Stadium as Seventeenth Street Football Stadium. Not much else was different regarding Indiana football. This accomplishment was just as miraculous as it would be if it were to happen today. IU football was in a very undesirable position in the mid-1960’s, and the Big Ten’s powerhouse teams we know today were still prominent at the time. To understand how impressive this Hoosier team was, some context and a history lesson is required.

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Belief in an IUFB Breakthrough Starts with the 1967 Rose Bowl Team

Belief in an IUFB Breakthrough Starts with the 1967 Rose Bowl Team

Written By Sammy Jacobs (@Hoosier_Huddle)

Breakthrough. If you are an Indiana Football fan you have seen this word plastered everywhere heading into the 2017 season. Tom Allen wants his players and coaches to believe that a breakthrough is possible and he wants the fans to buy into that belief as well.

The Hoosiers have been close over the last couple of seasons, but have ultimately had fallen short against top-25 opponents and in a couple of bowl games. The last shortcoming was a 24-22 loss to Utah in the Foster Farms Bowl and that was when Tom Allen put his foot down and said to himself, “I’m sick and tired of being close.”

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Hoosier Legacy Player: Wide Receiver Jade Butcher (1967-1969)

Hoosier Legacy Player: Wide Receiver Jade Butcher (1967-1969)

Written By Sammy Jacobs (@Hoosier_Huddle)

With 2017 marking the 50th anniversary of the Indiana Hoosiers magical 9-1 regular season that resulted in a Big Ten title and a berth in the Rose Bowl against O.J. Simpson’s USC Trojans, we at Hoosier Huddle decided to honor Hoosier Football history with our Legacy Player Series. I want to thank Mark Deal for taking the time and effort to help us with this list and teach us about some of the overlooked history of Indiana Football. Hopefully, this series will serve as a window into the past. We will kick off the series by looking at former Hoosier wide receiver and Bloomington native Jade Butcher.

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After A Day Of Upsets, What Are Indiana Football's Best Upset Wins?

After A Day Of Upsets, What Are Indiana Football's Best Upset Wins?

On Friday afternoon we saw one of, if not the biggest upset in the history of the NCAA tournament when the second seeded Michigan State Spartans took it on the chin from the Blue Raiders of Middle Tennessee State. That shocking upset got me thinking about what some of Indiana Football's biggest upsets were.

I went through the IU record book and found quite a few occasions where the Hoosiers pulled off wins against ranked teams as underdogs. Now there are some caveats to my search. First, the AP did not rank teams until 1936, so it is hard to judge some of the pre-ranking games so this list is from 1937 on. I was also hesitant to include the games from the World War II Years (1941-1945) due to the craziness of rosters and honestly it was just easier to keep those teams out of this list. I found 10 upsets that should be noted on this list and it will be in chronological order.

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Countdown To Kickoff: 61 Days (1967 Indiana Hoosiers)

Countdown To Kickoff: 61 Days (1967 Indiana Hoosiers)


The Indiana Hoosiers kick off the 2015 season in just 61 days! #61 is vacant on this year’s roster and the 1961 Hoosiers were just 2-9 (hardly worth remembering in this space). So, we decided to get creative in order to look back at what many consider the greatest IU football team of all-time, the 1967 Big Ten Champions. The reason this squad applies to “61” is, admittedly, a bit of a stretch but this particular team went 6-1 in B1G play (with a 9-2 overall record).

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