IU, Wilson Get Apology from Referee Who Dropped An F-Bomb Over PA System
/Wilson and IU receive an apology from the official who swore over the PA system last week. Image: Indystar.com
Written By Sammy Jacobs (@Hoosier_Huddle)
During the game between Indiana and Florida International Saturday night the head official was arguing a non-call on an offsides play with Hoosier head coach Kevin Wilson when he dropped the four-letter word while he still had is microphone on. The word was heard throughout the stadium and in the press box, but was cut out on the TV broadcast.
On Monday Wilson pointed out at his weekly press conference that "our administration yesterday got notification from the referee that they had made a blunder during the game and apologized for that. We moved on from that, but I do need to say that because we got recruits, parents; I got my daughter asking me, why I would say something, which was not said. We didn't take a time-out to argue a call. We were letting the clock run down, trying to get them a jump offsides, thought they did. Take a time-out and kick a field goal. So there's no issue with missed calls. It's part of the game."