Talking Season is Over as Curt Cignetti is Focused on Getting His Team Ready For 2024 Season

Written by Sammy Jacobs (@Hoosier_Huddle)

The Indiana Hoosiers kickoff their season in less than a month as Curt Cignetti and his team get ready for the opener against FIU on August 31st. IU began fall camp on July 31st effectively putting an end to what some call ‘Talking Season’.

Talking Season is that time in college football between the end of spring practice and the opening of fall camp. It’s media days, booster fundraisers and a time for coaches to talk up their squad. Cignetti has been the talk of the town with his bravado and confidence that has been rare on the football field in Bloomington. But the time to talk is over.

Curt Cignetti put an end to talking season on Monday.

“I guess I need a little more pep.” Cignetti said in response to Indianapolis Star columnist Gregg Doyel saying he seemed tired. “I didn't mean to come off as that tired. I woke up Yeah, it was hot today. And I'll be fine. I'm more concerned about the team. It ain't about me, it's how much we could develop.”

Doyel, who was suspended from the paper and barred from covering the Indiana Fever in person earlier this summer for an extremely awkward and unprofessional exchange with star Caitlin Clark, doubled down on trying to get Cignetti to bite.

Doyel followed up his first question and doubled down on the coach being too tired to talk a big game at the moment.

Cignetti broke it down for those who don’t understand how much goes into a fall camp practice.

“Right now we're in practice.” Cignetti explained. “You know, it's all about developing the team, this isn't a time for talking. Now, this is a time to put it on the field. So, you know, I'm not going to put a show up, show up every time I'm up here at the podium. Now if I have to make a point, I will. But you know, right now we're really focused in on developing this football team. And 115 guys on this football team and all three phases ODK (Offense, Defense, Kicking) so, you know it's a grind. Right?”

The grind of fall camp really has only started as the Hoosiers will hold their fifth practice on Tuesday, but talking season is over. Sorry, if you missed it.