Walt Bell Identifying Playmakers and Installing New Scheme in Spring Ball

Written by: @zachegreene

Offensive coordinator Walt Bell has been optimistic since his arrival in Bloomington. He comes from UMass where he led the Minutemen for three seasons. He expects a revitalized offense which he will be in charge of this season.

“Right now it’s about identifying the guys we can count on, learning the base fundamentals and techniques within the schemes and really learning how to operate the way we want to operate.”

At the moment, there aren't a whole lot of front line starters for this team but that is what spring camp is all about. Bell believes that the competition during spring camp will only make his offense better.

 “Yea well I think it goes two ways. Number one is it creates unbelievable competition you know and that’s ultimately what you want at every single position. Number two I think because it creates competition you’re able to get the best out of everybody. Number three because guys are mixing and matching around having to learn conceptually as opposed to kind of this is my spot.”

At the most important position, the quarterback, there is not a clear front line starter. The consensus is that Connor Bazelak will be the starter but there is also  Jack Tuttle, Sophomore Donaven McCulley who got playing time last season and Dexter Williams who is coming off an injury last season.

“We’ve been rotating a bunch of quarterbacks, a bunch of wideouts, rotating tight ends. Guys have had to learn the whole concept conceptually simply because you know we’re trying to identify who can do what.”

Bazelak offers experience having led Missouri Tigers the past couple years. Tuttle also offers experience but he is coming off a couple injuries which sat him out the past season. On the other hand, McCulley and Williams offer young, dual threat presences in the offense which will come in handy this season.

Bell had this to say about his Quarterback group on Tuesday.

“As a group incredibly diligent like all the way from when I first got here just the amount of preparation those guys have put in to well before we ever got to spring practice. Number two there are all easy learners. I think number three is they process a winnable set of tools even though some of there tools are different than others. I think we have three or four guys that give us an opportunity to play good football.”

As we get closer to the season, Bell will find his quarterback to lead the Hoosiers but expect to see the Quarterbacks grind during spring camp. Considering the amount of talent and experience at this position it will be hard for Bell to make a decision on QB which could mean he might wait until the middle of the season to name a clear front line starter. 

At the wide receiver spot Bell had this to say about the group.

“Just how they manage their grass you know I think that kind of goes back to me growing up as a player in the air raid. Everything’s not cookie cutter. Everything’s not the way that it looks. The way it looks on the playbook page isn’t always the way it’s gonna look in real life.” Not everything is perfect and not everything is where we expect them to be”  

There are a lot of guys at the Wideout position who will be competing for playing time as well as the Quarterbacks. Camp should help with developing some chemistry and rhyme which was badly needed last year. That said, Bell stated that, “Spring is all about identifying who can do what.  Ultimately it allows us to be our best on game day Saturday in the fall.”

Spring camp is in full swing and stay up to date by following Hoosier Huddle.