U.S.S. Indiana Will Be Permanently Docked at the Rock
/Written by Lloyd Ribner III (@Ribner3) & Sammy Jacobs (@SammyJ108)
The prow of the U.S.S Indiana which will be on display outside of Memorial Stadium beginning this fall.
The Indiana University Athletic Department has announced that they have permanently acquired a portion of the USS Indiana, a World War II battleship, and plan to display it at Memorial Stadium. The university acquired the ship's prow section via donation from the Spenger family, the owners of a California restaurant who has had it on display for several years.
When speaking of the acquisition, Athletic Director Fred Glass said, "We've been keenly interested in putting more emphasis on the fact that Memorial Stadium is a tribute to our veterans. This was a completely unexpected and wholly appropriate way for us to do that." In addition Glass stated that the prow should be moved across country next month, where it will be sand blasted and repainted.
The front section of the ship, with its named painted on, will be the fourth part of the USS Indiana to find its home at Memorial Stadium, with the others being two cannons and the mast. The new display outside of Memorial Stadium is expected to be dedicated before the September 7th football game against Navy.