IU Athletics Announces Priorities for Football Ticket Availability for Home Games
/Image: Amanda Pavelka Hoosier Huddle
IU Athletics Release
Bloomington, Indiana – Following today’s announcement detailing the 2020 Big Ten Conference Football schedule, Indiana University Vice President and Director of Intercollegiate Athletics Scott Dolson announced a series of priorities that will guide the availability of football ticket for games played in Memorial Stadium this fall.
The first and most important priority is ensuring the health and safety of players, fans, coaches, staff and the university and local communities. In addition, IU Athletics will follow the guidance of the IU Athletics Medical Advisory Group in an effort to safely provide interested fans with an opportunity to attend football games at Memorial Stadium. While the announcement of the Big Ten schedule was the final piece needed to complete the plan, to ensure that the most up-to-date information and data related to COVID-19 is utilized, IU Athletics will officially announce its football ticket plan in mid-August.
“We continue to solicit and follow the advice of the IU Athletics Medical Advisory Group and abide by the directives from campus leadership, local and state agencies, and the CDC in formulating a plan to welcome fans to Memorial Stadium this fall,” Dolson said. “We want to give our loyal fans an opportunity to see Coach Tom Allen’s team this fall as much as possible, but we must be sure that we do that in way that is responsible and follows the safety protocols.”
IU Athletics’ four priorities for the availability of tickets to football games played at Memorial Stadium this fall are:
Health and Safety – The health and safety of all student-athletes, coaches, staff, fans, and the campus and local communities is the top priority in the decision-making process. IU Athletics will continue to follow the guidance of the IU Athletics Medical Advisory Group – which includes the requirement for all individuals to have and wear face coverings in and around Memorial Stadium - as well as the safety protocols detailed by Indiana University campus officials, the NCAA, the Big Ten as well as local and state government agencies.
Comfort and Security with the IU Ticket Assurance Policy - We understand not all fans will feel comfortable attending games for health and safety reasons, or may not be interested in attending due to reduced capacity guidelines. Therefore, as part of our Ticket Assurance Policy, we are allowing all season ticket holders to opt out of their 2020 football season tickets commitment, if they wish. IU’s Ticket Assurance Policy provides the security that if any IU Football games at Memorial Stadium are canceled, postponed, or played with restricted fan access that prevents you from using your tickets, or if you have purchased season tickets but feel uncomfortable attending games due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ticket holders who purchased tickets directly through the IU Athletic Ticket Office will have the following options:
Donate your ticket payments to the IU Varsity Club as a tax-deductible gift supporting student-athlete scholarships.
Apply ticket payments to the 2021 IU Football season.
Receive a refund for ticket payments made.
This guarantee applies to all ticketed IU Athletics' home athletic events. Also, if a season ticket holder opts to not purchase or cancel their purchase of IU football season tickets in 2020, they will still receive an application to purchase their same seats for the 2021 season, and they will not lose their consecutive years of season ticket purchase.
Ticket Availability for All Season Ticket Holders and IU Students - Within any limitations dictated by the most up-to-date medical and safety guidance and protocols, IU Athletics will allow season ticket holders and IU students to attend as many football games at Memorial Stadium as possible. There is an expectation that there will be a reduced capacity at Memorial Stadium this fall, and that may result in fans being able to attend less than the full allotment of home games during the 2020 season. There is also a possibility that safety protocols will dictate that games be postponed, canceled or played in empty stadiums as well. In any of those cases, ticket holders who purchased tickets directly through the IU Athletic Ticket Office will be able to choose one of the three options from the IU Ticket Assurance Policy.
Regular Updates on Ticket Availability, Safety Precautions – IU Athletics will continue to communicate with fans with updates as more information becomes available. In addition to information on tickets, we will also share updated information on the safety procedures and protocols that we are taking on the Indiana University Athletics COVID-19 Safety Precautions and Updates website LOCATED HERE.