Wide Receiver Max Weisman Makes the Most of Every Moment

Wide Receiver Max Weisman Makes the Most of Every Moment

Written By: Nick Holmes (@HoosierHolmes)

Every time I have the opportunity to interview college football prospects I always come away more and more impressed by their level of maturity and outlook on life, and wide receiver Max Weisman is certainly no exception. The California kid is wise beyond his years, speaking frequently during our conversation about making the most of every moment in life. “You can always find something good in a negative situation, just have to maintain a positive outlook.”

The young player’s level of maturity is partly a product of the adversity he and his family were faced with a few years ago when his mother was diagnosed with cancer. Instead of letting the disease define her, Weisman’s mother Diane took cancer head-on and began researching tirelessly all the ways she could shift the odds in her favor.

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